Mary E. Powell

Mary E. Powell
At Yorktown Waterfront

Friday, November 24, 2023

Gratitude and Prayers

 There has been a lot of preparation going on here at my house, for family that came over yesterday to celebrate together. Including my husband and I we had 20 people here, and I loved every moment of it! The day before, my oldest granddaughter came and helped with some of the cooking, and today she and her sister and mother will come to help with decorating for Christmas. Making memories together is SO much fun! 

One of the family often brings a trivia quiz for us to work after we have our meal, and they did again yesterday. The conversation while we are all trying to answer the questions, is so, so much fun. But we did a new thing this year... we took turns going around the group telling something for which we are grateful. Some were thankful for a specific food item we had just enjoyed, others for their family. I could have specified a food- because I do enjoy good food, which we had in overflow yesterday; but I honestly was not able to pick just one thing, so I kind of listed stuff... my family (beginning with my husband and girls, and grands- extending to the sisters-in-love, their husbands, the nieces and nephews, too), friends, and the time we were able to have together yesterday... salvation, knowing God has a plan for MY life, and so much more... 

My heart was filled to overflowing yesterday, to have time (and we were together for about 4 or 5 hours! Yay!) with family, and to have room for us to hang out and be family.

As I was working on some of the clean up, I felt FULL- both from the food, and all the blessings of the day. 

While sitting here this morning, I have the thought of the passage that tells us of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Revelation 19:9 "Then he said to me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb'!" And he said to me,"These are the true sayings of God"." This table and mine (pictured above) can't compare... mine is large and will sit about 14 people- but the one for this meal will sit everyone together! I can't even fathom how many people His table will sit. We are told he has gone to prepare a place for us, I wonder if that is just the dwelling place, OR if it includes our place at the table for the feast? 

I've seen the picture of the beautifully set table that fades into the background with settings for many... I found one that is similar online ( and it seemed to fit similar to what I remember- but not exactly.

I know that for me, yesterday was amazing, and each time we have company sitting at our table, it is a small reminder of what is to come... but I find myself wondering who will be sitting at the table with me? Will there be friends of mine here, that don't make it? Will there be family that doesn't? 

In my gratitude for what is, it also helps me to pray for those that do not yet know and walk with the Lord. It helps me to desire to be a better witness, and example of those that know Him. I want others to see Him and know how much He loves them. I want others to get to know Him, too.

Lord, thank you for the small taste of what it will be like sitting at the Marriage Supper with you and your bride. Thank you for all the promises you have spoken for us, and thank you for all that You have already done!  You are Good, and I lack enough words to express how deeply I am grateful that I get to do life walking with and knowing You. Help me to know you more deeply and help me to walk nearer to You each day. "I want to sit at Your feet, drink from the cup in Your hand, lay back against you and breathe, feel your heart beat". 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!