Mary E. Powell

Mary E. Powell
At Yorktown Waterfront

Monday, February 3, 2025

Does He Hear Faith From Me?

 While driving to an appointment today, the song Awake My Soul sung by Hillsong Worship came next on my playlist shuffle. I heard two lines, like they were sung with the microphone on, much louder than the other lines.

"Where we hear praises, He hears faith... and "Where we hear worship, He hears faith."

I know there are lines in between them, but these were the two lines that stood out. 

It really hit me.

It could have been from being a little out of sorts from hearing the news earlier today that a young man that we have known at church for about 7-8 years, at the ripe old age of 17 1/2, had a heart attack while playing football, and passed away. But, I believe it is a much needed reminder, at least for me.

I am aware of the scripture that says, "...that men always ought to pray and not lose heart." (Luke 18: 1b)

So, I have a list of people, and concerns and situations that I pray for often; like most people do, right?

Mark 11: 24 tell me, "Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them." (NKJV)

Or the Passion Translation says it this way, "This is the reason I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer - be convinced that you have received it and it will be yours."

Am I praying with that attitude? Do I pray boldly believing? 

It can be overwhelming when I pray and the answer doesn't come how, or when, I thought it would. 

In praying for loved ones that are sick- do I boldly believe?

In praying for those in need- do I boldly believe?

Do I have faith, believing that what I ask for will come to pass?

I am reminded of reading a book years ago, written by Merlin Carothers, called Power in Praise. The basic message was not only do we take our requests to the Lord in prayer- but thanksgiving should be part of the prayer.

Psalm 100:4 says, "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him, and bless His name." (NKJV) or in the Message it says it this way, "Enter with the password: "Thank you!" Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him."

Sometimes, the way the Message says it, hits me between the eyes. He says that "Thank you!" is the password. The posture of gratitude. 

Do I boldly believe and make sure to speak from a grateful heart?

When I heard the lyrics of the song today, it seemed that my mind went through many of the prayers that I pray often and have for a while. Prayers for family, for friends, and many other things... and I just started praising God. 

Lord, thank you! Thank you for who You are. Thank you for your love, for provision, Your blessings, Your strength. Thank you for this reminder to keep the heart posture of gratitude in all things. Help me to remember gratitude to enter Your presence. Thank you, so much!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

He makes all things new!

 When you wake up in the morning, on New Year's Day hearing the words "Hallelujah, Hallelujah! He makes all things new, all things new!" with a melody playing... what do you do? 

Me? I search for it, thinking it is a current song that I've heard somewhere; but NOTHING comes up. 

So, I sit and wait for anything to come that would go along with it. So, this may ramble a bit; but this is the process to see where it goes. So please bear with me through this one.

I keep hearing the tune, and words rolling over and over in my heart and in my head... like a song on "repeat". 

"Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 

He makes all things new, all things new!"

As I hear them, and ponder just this part, I am overcome with awe and gratitude! 

I mean, I was  born with all the needed parts of who I was meant to be, because my Father and Creator knows exactly what I need to be part of me to do all I was created to fulfill. Somethings I will gain through learning and through life experience but in my DNA and in my person the natural parts are there.  

Walking through the ups and the downs of the journey of life, I am molded and shaped even more. Lessons learned through hurts and through celebrations. Examples in life that we follow and learn from, and have to learn again if the example may have been incorrect. Remember that God knew who my parents would be, he picked them! Remember that God knew every moment of my life, the choices I'd make and the circumstances that would come from those choices. 

Remember that God knows!

Last night, my husband and I actually stayed awake until after midnight! Who would have guessed?!?! It's the first time we've done that for quite a few years. =) We listened to some ministry, and then we worshipped as the old year passed and the new one started. 

We have had a full year of new... 

Evans in school for a new career, and getting a new license in real estate, the end of his 42 year career, and the beginning of the new one. Lots of learning - learning a new rhythm, in the house, in working together, in seeing how each day will work now.

"Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 

He makes all things new, all things new!"

When I think of the above lines, I think of 2 Corinthians 5: 17 - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (NKJV)

I love the mental picture that I get, in reading this verse. Coming to Christ, my old self (the part that doesn't line up with His plan for me) dies to make room for the "new".

A good picture of this is the way a deciduous tree goes through a given year. In the fall, the leaves start changing colors from the green of spring/summer life to the oranges, reds, and yellows before they fall off the limbs as the tree's life cycle; but then in spring it comes back. 
As life goes on, sometimes it feels like I'm loosing part of who I am- but in living surrendered to God and His plan, learning to trust that He knows what needs to go to make me a better person and to make me more like what His plan is for me.

"Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
He makes all things new, all things new!

He takes the old me, he takes the old thoughts
And gives a fresh point of view, for me and you

Each day, a promise, each day is fresh, 
Another "new" after each sunset
Come, fresh beginning
and steadfast love that freely is given
The fresh mercies each morning from Heav'n above

As we've passed from the old and into the new
May each day, week and month bring me closer to You
Each day filled with goodness
For that's who God is
Reminding, when needed, of His faithfulness

Then may my soul sing each morning to You
In praise for the night that You saw me through
Then as I head off to bed in the night
May my soul thank you
As I am kept by Your might

Today is new, and the year is new, too
The reminder I needed to keep looking to You
Each moment, each heart beat
Each day, week, and year
Are no longer important
If I choose not to hear
To hear what You're saying
To see the good plan

Your plan for the future
Your plan filled with hope
To trust that your plan brings me out of the old
To walk in the new me you want me to be
To honor your Kingdom, to bring you glory

Father, as I begin 2025, I know that there are things in my life that still need to be made "new". Some of my thoughts, some of my speech patterns and habits, sometimes it feels overwhelming. BUT I know that You have made me new, and I know that Your plans for me are good, and You bring me from the old into the new, every day. Help me to walk as I have learned as I've walked with you, and help me to rejoice in all You have done for me. Amen.