Mary E. Powell

Mary E. Powell
At Yorktown Waterfront

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Waiting to Burn

 I have been waking up to the same song, a LOT over the last two weeks; and I think I may possibly be starting to connect some dots, as to some of what the Lord may be saying. 

It started with a devotional I listened to, September 21. The devotional speaks to the Baptism of Fire. An encounter with God that truly changes and marks my life, to no longer be the same, and to move in and with the Power of the Spirit. 

Acts 1:8 "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, in Judea, and in Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (NKJV)

This verse is often used in speaking of what happens when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit; but it is not the only time Holy Spirit can and will come on you. Encounters with Holy Spirit should be fairly regular, but sometimes they are more intense. And each one works to reveal more of Him in and through me; so I want to be positioned for more of these encounters. But as I was listening to this post, I was reminded of one from just over a year ago. The older devotional had actually stirred me up enough that with some digging, the Lord gave me a message to share. 

In it the author asks, "What will happen when Holy Spirit lights a fresh fire in all the Ekklesias- churches... at the same time?" His answer is a "Super Pentecost, a surging, worldwide Pentecost." He speaks of angels being present to keep the portal to Heaven open. They also, as carriers of His glory-fire, minister that to those they are sent to.

God is offering to visit with a Baptism of Fire. It's a choice, and it cannot be forced or generated by anything I do. However, in deciding that I want it, what do I do to be ready?

1- Choose- "Yes"- it is a decision, as it was for Moses to turn aside to see the burning bush, and as it was for the 120 souls to wait in the upper room. 

2- Be positioned to receive it- Having your quiet time the way you always have, will not bring change.

    Cleanse your heart- repent of sins the Lord shows you

    Fast from what He shows you to leave alone

    Wait on Him- listen for His heart (in the upper room- they waited).

3- ASK- (James 4:2b - "You do not have because you do not ask." NKJV)

4- Worship- This is not just speaking of singing to the Lord. It can be quiet meditation, it can be cleaning Your home. God is looking for worshippers, he doesn't need the worship, He wants Your heart.

5- WAIT- this isn't set the clock for 5 minutes and give up. Be patient, wait on the Lord. Get your heart and mind quiet, concentrate on the Lord and wait for Him. In the waiting on Him, trust that He will come.

These have definite all tied together and then the song I have been hearing so much is by Matt Redman. It's called "Gracefully Broken". The part I keep hearing says this: 

"And find my heart on the altar again, Set me on fire, set me on fire. Here I am, God, arms wide open, Pouring out my life, gracefully broken."

(Both pictures taken from Google)

Father, Thank you for helping me to connect the dots of all You were showing me, and saying to me over the last 3 weeks. I say "Yes, Lord!" I am willing to participate in all You have for me. I ask for the Baptism of Fire! I repent of anything in my life that would stand in the way of my receiving this and moving into what You have for me; and I thank you for helping me to know what I need to let go of that keeps me from being ready for all You have for me. I love you, Lord!

(*Devotions that I took some of the information from are three Give Him 15 posts. 1-June 15, 2022; 2-September 21, 2023, & 3-September 22, 2023.)

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