This week I heard a clip of someone speaking, and the basic idea is that there are prayers we have prayed so long that we feel that answer was "No"; so we have stopped praying it/them. (At least that we know of.) He mentioned that he believed our spirit continues to pray about them, and it wouldn't surprise me.
It reminded me of the story in Luke 1: 5-22. It tells of the couple Zacharias & Elizabeth. It is his turn to burn incense in the temple, and while he's in there Gabriel visits him. The passage says that he and Elizabeth are well advanced in age, and then Gabriel tells him that his prayer is heard. I can almost imagine Zacharias. He is tending to his duties, he's older and the record states that he and Elizabeth blameless and walked in commandments of the Lord. I know that I would probably start mentally scrolling through the prayers I've prayed, so that is what I picture Zacharias doing. I also believe that if an angel is giving you a message from the Lord, when he points it out it comes with a knowing of what he is speaking about.
Zacharias responds asking how, with the knowledge that he and Elizabeth are both old. It costs him the ability to speak for a while; but it doesn't keep the prayer from being answered. Verse 22 tells us that the people perceived that he has seen a vision.
This all made me think a bit...
1- Are there prayers that I prayed for a while, that I have not seen answered and I may have allowed to fall off my prayer list?
2- If I was told the prayer was going to be answered, how would I respond?
3- If I had a vision/encounter like Zacharias did, would I respond like he did, or like Mary did? And would people know if I had experienced it?
I am reminded of two things, the passage Luke 18: 1a "One day Jesus taught the apostles to keep praying and never stop or lose hope." (TPT) In The Message translation it says this, "it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit."
This speaks to the thought asking myself if there are prayers I have "quit" praying. If I quit, did I quit from being hopeless? Did I quit praying thinking the answer was "no"?
Today, I was watching a show and it showed a team being broken up from mis-trust seeping in among them. Then, the one team member that had left the group, disappeared. That person is captured is missed by the team, and they work off the book to search hi and low to find their friend. They go on a mission to the rescue. In this mission, they are willing to potentially die, to save this person. All the while, they are basically taking up time, because the team leader has been notified when they didn't check in, and is going to come in to save them all. The boss does what is needed and rescues his full team. It brought tears to my eyes- as I saw such a picture of the Father in this.
My circumstances, or those circumstances I am praying about, may look hopeless and dire. When I pray, do I pray from in the right position? Do I pray until I get peace about it, or do I pray until there is no hope and quit or give up?
This past weekend, I was in a class and reminded of the importance of finding a "Sacred Place", some people refer to it as a "Secret Place". Is there a place where I meet with Him, not just to take my requests to Him; but to sit with Him, to hear His heart and get to know Him better? How do you get to know someone? You have conversations- you talk and listen.
It is too easy these days to allow life to keep me running in a thousand different directions. It is easy to get sidetracked, it is easy to allow the phone, the family, the FULL schedule to shorten my time with the One that matters most, the One that loves me most, the One that gave it all for ME to get to know Him. What am I giving my attention to? What am I listening to?? When I was in the class, and we were encouraged to find the Sacred Place, the next part was very simple. "Sit down, shut up, and listen!" It was repeated a few times. This doesn't mean we don't bring our requests. This doesn't mean now speaking. It just means to spend time waiting for a response. In "praying through" we pray until there is a release.
There is this verse, Proverbs 13: 12, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life." In the Message it says it like this, "Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can you life around." I've had those times where it feels like everything is going wrong over and over. I know that God has always come through for me and He never changes, so He will always come through.
I am reminded of the chorus to the song by Matthew West, Don't Stop Praying.
"Don't stop praying
Don't stop calling on Jesus' name
Keep on pounding on heaven's door
And let you knees wear out the floor
Don't stop believing
'Cause mountains move with just a little faith
And your Father's heard every single word you're saying
So, don't stop praying".
He is my Father. I know that as a parent, I love to spend time with my children/grandchildren. I miss it when I do not see them for long periods of time, or when the visit is just too short. If I feel that way, I would think that He is, too.
Father, thank you for the way you remind me that You are always listening. Thank you for reminding me that just because I forget, or don't see answers, it does NOT mean that you have forgotten or not heard my prayers, it simply means I don't see all that is happening. Help me not to take for granted time with you. Help me to find that Sacred Place and the time to "Sit down, shut up, and listen" to all that you want to share with me, as I get to know You better and more closely. Thank you that You are still working on the prayers that I may have forgotten about and make me ready for any encounters You want to share with me, and help me to carry Your presence with me out to the people. Thank you!! <3