Mary E. Powell

Mary E. Powell
At Yorktown Waterfront

Monday, July 15, 2024

Release the Sound

Well, it has been too long since I have taken the time to process the things the Lord has shown me and write them out. Life has been quite crazy, and I have missed taking the time to "talk" it through this way.


This past week was a wonderful trail of nuggets from the Lord.

It started with waking up a couple of times to the beginning of a poem the Lord gave me at the end of June. Now, normally, when I get a poem, I write it, share it some, and keep it in a file. 

This poem I had a quick title that I gave it, but within a short time, I knew I needed to change it. 

Here is the poem:

Release The Sound

Do you hear it?

Do you hear it?

It’s a sound brand new, a sound brand new


From where is it coming?

From where is it coming?

From me and you, me and you


What is the sound, and what is the source?

The sound is growing, it is welling up inside

It is a sound that comes as our heart’s cry

It is a sound of praise & a sound of prayer

That is growing even louder in the saints


It is a cry of hunger for more of the Father

It is a cry to see more

It is a cry from His children

For the “more” that’s in store


It is a deep cry of love to the Lord God Most High

Knowing that more of my self has to die

It is the deepness of a “thank you” that seems hard to express

Knowing without Him, I would be a huge mess

His grace and His mercy have covered my sin

His love and His peace gifts I get from Him


This cry is two-sided

It comes from the deep

It comes as I learn more about You, my King

This sound it is growing in the heart of His Bride

As she longs to walk and be by His side


So let us respond as deep calls to deep

And let us release the sound that’s inside! – June 30, ’24, Mary Beth Powell


Then on Thursday morning, I was listening to Give Him 15, as I was having my morning quiet time, and Dutch Sheets read some dreams that Gina Gholston had sent him. There was a line in it, that reminded me of the poem, so it caught my attention. In her dream, it speaks about “a redemptive sound coming that will provoke a redemptive movement”. The minister that is speaking to Gina in the dream picks up a large rock and drops it in the fire as an example of what the movement will look like. He said that it would come “once the sound is released”. 

This really hit me…


What is the sound? 


The first thing I wanted to do was to check the definition of the word.

Webster’s Dictionary, online, defines it this way:


-    A particular auditory impression

-    A sensation perceived by the sense of hearing

-    A mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in a material medium (such as air) and is the objective cause of hearing

-    A speech sound

-    A meaningless noise

-    An impression conveyed


And then the definition of “release” from the same source is this:


-    Set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude

-    Let go

-    To relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses


In many churches it is not uncommon to hear someone mention the phrase “Release the sound” or “release Your own song”, and often this happens during the worship time. 

Then while I was thinking about the definitions of it, different stories in the Bible started coming to mind. 


The story about the Israelites marching around Jericho and the walls coming down. 

      The Lord tells Joshua the plan. Israel is to march one time a day for six days around the wall of Jericho, and then on the seventh day, they are to march seven times around it. Oh- and they are not supposed to talk at all!  No sound until they hear Joshua give the order then they shout!! 

      This was two sounds… the sound of the walking/marching, and the sound of the shout! I can almost image the visible sound waves causing ripples in the air.

  The story of Gideon and his small army surrounding the enemy’s camp, with a sword, and a lit torch covered in a pitcher.

      Gideon had an army of 32,000 men, before the Lord had him use a two-step process to get the army to the size He wanted it. Then the Lord gave the battle plan to him. He and the 300 men surround the enemy camp. They are armed with only a sword, and a torch that is lit, but in a pitcher. At Gideon’s example, they break the pitcher and shout, “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!”.

      This is a breaking sound, and a victory shout!


In 2 Samuel 5 after David has been made king, the Philistines have attacked, and David seeks the Lord. He asks if he should go up to battle, and the Lord says for David to go. He goes, gets the victory. Fast forward a few verses, and the Philistines are attacking again. Again, David seeks the Lord to see if he should go up to battle. He gets different plans from the Lord. He is to go down and around and wait for the sound of the wind in the top of the mulberry trees. Once he would hear that sound, David would know that the Lord had gone before him.

      David asked- God gave the sound- wind/angels in the top of the mulberry trees!


Hannah in the temple

      Hannah is barren and being teased by her husband’s other wife, that has had many children. They go to the temple for their yearly trip, and Hannah doesn’t eat with them, she goes to pray. Eli, the high priest, sees her moving her mouth but no audible sound. Her tears were her prayers, she prayed heart to heart with the Father. 

      This sound- tears streaming, falling. The Bible tells us that our tears are collected. They are prayers.


Prophesied in Jeremiah 15, and fulfilled in Matthew 2- 

      Lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted for her children, because they are no more. 

      The sound- weeping, deeply felt painful sorrow.


Romans 8: 26-27

      “Likewise, the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” (NKJV)

      The sound- intercessory prayers so deep that we can’t speak words. It is deep groans, because the Spirit is moving.


Acts 2- the upper room.

      The disciples are gathered waiting for “the promise”. I am sure the buzzing sound there was some conversation, and some praying, and maybe some snoring, occasionally as they waited. Then in comes the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and there are tongues of fire over each head, and the new sound that they didn’t understand- but they were speaking in tongues.

      The sound- prayers, mighty rushing wind, fire, and speaking in tongues.


But then sometimes the sound is me, speaking to myself… David did it!

Psalm 42:11- 

      “Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God. For I shall yet praise Him. The help of my countenance and my God.” (NKJV)

      So, I say to my soul, “Don’t be discouraged. Don’t be disturbed. For I know my God will break through for me.” Then I’ll have plenty of reasons to praise Him all over again. Yes, He is my saving grace”!” (TPT)


So, for so very long, I have often always related “the sound”, to simply prayer, praise, and worship. I am now realizing that “the sound” is so much more.


It is my footsteps/walking.

It is my dancing.

It is my marching.

It is my moving/actions.

It is my breath.

It is my tears.

It is my speaking.

It is my shouting.
It is my groaning.

It is my singing/worship.


Father as I walk through each day, help me to hear Your voice, and to see what You are doing. Help me to move, to breath, to speak, to cry, to groan, to sing, or to do whatever it is to release the sound You have put in me to impact those around me for You! I want to make a difference in the lives of those around me for You, Lord. Amen.

(All images came from a Google search).

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