Mary E. Powell

Mary E. Powell
At Yorktown Waterfront

Monday, July 31, 2023

To Filter or How to Filter

 Most people today have at least looked at social media posts, and even have their own accounts. Right? I know I have a few different accounts across a few different platforms. But one thing I have noticed through the years of scrolling through, many pictures that are posted are "framed" or "filtered" to make things look better than they are. I have been guilty, occasionally, of making sure that all the "mess" is not in the shot, and making sure my make up is done, and I take a few different pictures to make sure it is the best one. However, life doesn't always allow us that luxury. 

Sometimes, our reality is just a mess and we do not see any way to clean it up. Sometimes, we're sitting in ashes covered in sores, and even our close friends are telling us we've screwed up. Sound familiar?!?!... Job experienced this, and the story is written for our learning. He went through a great loss, and attack, and his friends were sure it was because of something he had done wrong. But at the end of it all, Job gets to pray for his friends, and the Lord blesses him with restoration. Job 42: 5 says, "I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes." (NLT) Through Job's reality, He saw the truth of Who God is. 

We can see the reality of our health, or our finances, or our job circumstances- but God sees the truth of it. He has the answers, He knows the way to bring us through each difficulty. 

King Darius made a law that praying to anyone but King Darius was going to get you thrown into the lion's den.  That was a definite reality, right? Did it stop Daniel from praying with his window opened towards Jerusalem? No! He prayed and the reality was that he was put into the lion's den, even though King Darius didn't want it to happen. But God's truth was made evident, and Daniel was not harmed. Daniel's answer to the king, in the morning was this, "O king, live forever! My God sent His angel and shut the lion's mouths, so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him; and also, O king, I have done no wrong before you." (NKJV) God's truth won! Daniel was not harmed!

When we see our reality we need the best "filter" of all and that is to see things with God's eyes. We need to see our reality through the filter of His truth. He sees the Good. He sees the way through the trial to the victory. He sees YOU!

Lord, help me. Help me to see things with the filter of Your truth. Help me to keep that as my "reality". Because You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 4:6) Thank you!

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