Mary E. Powell

Mary E. Powell
At Yorktown Waterfront

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Disquieted? Hope is the answer

I received a message from a friend this morning. She sends on every day, and has for a few years now. I love how often what she sends will fit right in with the theme or message from my quiet time that morning. It just helps me know I was picking up on the theme for that morning. =) 

This morning the Bible verse she sent me was 1 Samuel 30:6, "David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the Lord his God." (NLT)

When I read that passage I was reminded of Psalm42: 5 & 11 (they both say the same thing) "Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance." (NKJV)  Verse 7 says, "Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and billows have gone over me." 

The story of Joseph- sold by his brothers to slavery in another land, finally gets to a place where he is doing pretty good, and then he ends up in prison, gets know there for helping others. In Genesis 40, the butler and baker are imprisoned and put under Joseph's care, and he notices they are sad. (I mean they're in jail... but it must have been different, since it is pointed out that Joseph notices it in verse 6, right?) But even after the butler goes back to the palace to resume his duties, Joseph is in jail... what is he doing? He's serving, and waiting on God. Then it happens, Pharaoh has a dream, no one can interpret it, and the butler remembers! He finally says something to Pharaoh about Joseph and He is set free. No longer a slave in Egypt, but second in command of the entire nation! While Joseph was waiting, God was working! 

How about Naomi & Ruth? Naomi and her husband and sons go to Moab to look for food, the sons marry women from there, and then Naomi's husband and sons all pass away. Naomi has heard (Ruth 1: 6) that the Lord has visited His people, and there is bread again. So, she decides to go back, and encourages her two daughters-in-law to stay in Moab. However, Ruth goes with her back to Judah. They have a place to stay, but no money & no food. Ruth goes to a field to glean. That is like going to the local "food panty" to bring home some food, only she had to work to gather it, it wasn't just handed to her. (Except the owner of the field told him workers to leave extra that Ruth could get, 'cause he had some interest there. LOL) After a few more happenings, Ruth and Boaz end up getting married, and having a child. 

Both of these stories are examples of people going to hard times, and not just for a day or two. For Joseph the years had to have had many moments where he found his heart "disquieted" or "heavy", "depressed" even, I would think. Naomi, left her home land, possibly concerned, and in the time she was in Moab, she basically lost everything. 

BUT GOD... They had to shake themselves, remind themselves, God is a Good God. God is near and as I am going through this difficult time, I am going to remind myself that He is my saving grace. He is my God and my Savior! Praising Him will bring His presence, and in His presence is the fullness of joy, and His joy is my strength. (Psalm 22:3, Psalm 16:11, & Nehemiah 8:10)

Lord, like David, help me when discouragement tries to keep me down, to remember that my praise is a weapon, and as I praise You, You fill the praises and your presence comes in. As Your presence comes in, joy comes with it, and that is the strength to get through the challenge I am facing. You are my Hope and Strength each day! ~Thank you!

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