Mary E. Powell

Mary E. Powell
At Yorktown Waterfront

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Don't Be. A Pain - New Post

Sitting here this evening, having not felt well for a couple of days, from cutting out caffeine. I thought I was doing better at cutting back a little at a time- well, I'm working on it. =) 

But, I am still thinking about the passage from the message at church on Sunday, and my last post. I have changed the title of the last one, and am using it for this one- because that is more the trail that my thoughts have been following since I posted it.

"Don't be a pain"... let me go back to the verse that I referred to in my last post. 1 Chronicles 4:10b "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain! So God granted him what he requested." (NKJV)

Let's see if I can keep on track this time. 

I know I spoke to the meaning of Jabez's name, and that I can imagine him getting teased by the other kids about that. We know that kids can be mean. 

Yes, he prayed for enlargement of his territory, He asked that the Lord's hand would be with him and keep him from evil. But I am still stuck on that line, "...that I may not cause pain..." 

The question I keep asking myself on it is: "What taste do I leave in the mouth of others after meeting with, or talking with, them?" My desire is that I not only do not cause pain, but that I leaven them with the desire for Jesus; wanting Him. I want to be a good testimony, sharing His heart and His love for others.

This does not mean that I do not speak the truth when necessary, but you can speak the truth, not being hurtful (on purpose). My goal is to grow to be more like Jesus. He is my example, He came and brought truth, but hope with it. 

Jesus told us, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? ...You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." Matthew 5:13-14 (NKJV)

Salt is used to enhance the flavor, to activate the rising effects in some baking, it also melts ice on roads and sidewalks.  Mix salt with baking powder and put it in some flour with some butter, sugar, eggs and flavoring and you'll get some amazing breads. Sprinkle salt on your steps and sidewalks and it makes it safer to walk on in freezing conditions. Sometimes you are served a meal that is tasty, but missing a little something... sprinkle a touch of salt on it, and it is like it wakes up the flavor that was there, making that flavor larger, somehow. Be what enhances the good in situations, bring hope.  

Light is quite different. Salt could potentially not be part of a recipe and not be missed if there is enough of other seasonings in it. But can you imagine a day with NO light? Even if the sun is behind the clouds, you still get some of the light. But can you picture what it would be like at night, no street lights, there are no houses, or the lights are all off? You notice the light of the starts and moon much more easily, when it is so dark. 

It seems the world is getting darker, and needs me, and needs the believers, to be the light where they are. If we are causing pain, it is not shining light for the Lord, we are adding to the darkness. 

Lord, I want to walk through my days shining Your light where ever I go. I want to carry Your flavor to the bland situations that need to be seasoned with Your goodness. I want to leave others with Your flavor after they meet with me. Help me to hear Your leading and to follow it with a willing heart, to be a blessing where You send me. =) 

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