Mary E. Powell

Mary E. Powell
At Yorktown Waterfront

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Don't Let Pain Hold You Back (New title)

As the day is drawing to a close, I am thinking back about what was shared at church on Sunday. 

It is the third time in two and a half weeks that Jabez has been brought to my attention. So, I am reading that passage again tonight. 

1 Chronicles 4:9-10 "Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, "Because I bore him in pain." And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So god granted him what he requested." (NKJV)

I have heard people share on this some, and they have often concentrated on the part that says, "enlarge my territory"; and those were good messages- but today, when I heard it, I heard that and more... 

His name, Jabez, means "pain, or sorrow". What a rough name to grow up with! However, at the end of that prayer, after he asks for enlarged territory, and God's hand to be with him. He asks the Lord to keep him from evil- why? So that he would not cause pain. Jabez asked because he didn't want to be known for still causing pain. 

As I have thought of this, it has caused some introspection. How often do I go to prayer, asking for blessings, asking for provision, for me and mine?

Each of us has had something that has brought us pain, at some point in our life; from the loss of someone we love to someone close to us saying something hurtful, and a full spectrum of possibilities otherwise of possible events. Having been hurt, I do not want to be one that causes pain for someone else, if at all possible. 

I really do want to be a living example of the Father's love. I want to use the gifts, talents, and what I have, to bless others. I want to be the cup that gets filled to overflowing. As the Lord pours into me, I want to slosh over to those around me. 

Think of David's life. He was the one child of Jesse that was sent out to watch the sheep, and after Samuel anointed him in front of all the brothers and his father, it says that "The Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward." (NKJV) The next chapter we read about Jesse sending David to take some supplies to his brothers that were camped with the army of Israel. What did his older brother say? Did he thank his brother for the supplies? NO! He was angry and accused him of coming down out of pride and curiosity. He simply was doing what his father told him to do. Which set him up to be the only one, of all the soldiers there, this young person stood up to the giant! The Lord worked in David, His Spirit was on Him. Yes, he was hurt by those close to him, but He with God's anointing, strength, and blessing he went on to kill the giant, lean the army, become a king, and do many wonderful things, with God's help.

Again, Joseph is a good example. He definitely was hurt... his brothers decided they didn't want him in the family anymore, and they were going to kill him. But Reuben convinced them to put him in a pit, thinking he would rescue Joseph. But they ended up selling Joseph, and he was carried to Egypt to be a slave- all because of jealousy. As you fast forward many years to after he interprets Pharaoh's dreams and is promoted to his place of authority, his brothers show up in need. He could have held onto that pain, and he may have for a while. I am sure that the travel from where he was purchased from his brothers, to where he was purchased to be a slave in Potiphar's house, may have fed that hurt. It quite possibly gave Joseph fodder to take the hurt and turn it into bitterness or offense. Yet through his years as a slave, I am sure he was praying. The story tells us that "his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand." (Genesis 39:3) But Joseph ends up with one more "setback" or "pain". He ends up in prison. But it was getting him positioned for his position that was coming. If he hadn't been in prison, he wouldn't have been there to interpret the dreams of the baker and butler; to be remembered when Pharaoh has his dream and then be promoted. As we fast forward once more, we know that Joseph's brothers come to Egypt to purchase grain, and there is a long process there, but when they do come back with Benjamin, eventually Joseph does reveal to them who he is. They are afraid, but he tells them, "do not be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life." Joseph has been enlarged, Joseph has been blessed, and he has been able to let go of the pain, and is trying to comfort his brothers to alleviate theirs. He knows that God has taken the hard, painful, sorrowful situation and turned it into something good- not just for him- but for MANY. 


Thank you, Lord, that you can take the pain in my life, and turn it into blessings. Help me to remember, as I go through each day that You always have my good as the goal. Help me, to use the blessings, the gifts, and talents that You have placed in me, to help others in their hard times. Help me not to cause pain for others, but rather to encourage and build them up. Thank you!

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