Mary E. Powell

Mary E. Powell
At Yorktown Waterfront

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

What Will Your Answer Be?

I was having a conversation with my husband about the fact that everyone is called by God. The most important part of that calling is my relationship with Him. He wants my company, not only to talk to Him, but to be still and listen as He shares with me. That intimacy with God will bear fruit. Fruit takes time.

The definition of "Intimacy" (according to the 1828 Noah Webster dictionary) is: "close familiarity or fellowship; nearness in friendship." Then if you look at the newer Webster dictionary it adds, "familiarity; something of a personal or private nature."

Intimacy... this word often brings up images of  the closeness of a husband and wife. I know I have used it that way, and thought of it that way, but that is not all that word includes. In saying that I am intimate with my  childhood best friend, would be correct; as well as saying that a husband and wife are intimate. 

When I have a best friend, how does the relationship get so strong? We both share everything with each other. The good, the bad, and the ugly- right? I had a few really close friends through most of school. What helped us to be so close? 

We'd hang out at school as much as we could. We would spend the night at each other's homes, we invited to each other to birthday parties, we would talk about just about everything... every tiny little detail. 

BUT it isn't just talk to them, it is listening to them, too. Spending the time with each other means that I may decide to miss other events, or happenings along the way. There were sometimes, when I was young and still at home, my parents may have said I had to miss being with my friend to be with the family, and I am sure there was some pouting involved there; but that would be part of what we'd talk about the next time we were together. 

Isn't this what God wants? 

    God wants me to spend time with Him. 

    God wants me to tell Him about everything, and be willing to listen to His heart- because He loves to share with me, too. But, it may mean that I miss watching my favorite show on TV, or something else a bit more trivial. I have to decide which I value more. 

BUT- God can go with me everywhere I go! I don't have to do things without Him! 

In building this intimate relationship with the Lord, as He shares with me, and it will have fruit. 

What was it like when...

     Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the evening. 

     Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. 

     Abraham was called to leave the land of his father to find a city that God would show him, and is later promised that his seed would be as the stars in the sky. He is promised this, even though his wife is "barren". 

    Joseph was sold by his brothers, to a land far from home and family. 

    David fellowshipped with the Lord, worshipped Him while tending the sheep. 

    Samson was betrayed by his own countrymen to be given over to the enemy.

    Daniel was thrown into the lion's den, and not harmed. 

    Mary was visited by Gabriel and told she was highly favored and would carry and birth the Savior.

Throughout the history of mankind, every single person has been asked this question, "Will you pay the price?" 

This doesn't always mean a dollar amount, per se. 

This can look more like Daniel facing the lion's den, because others were jealous, 

It can look like David being chased by King Saul. 

It can look like Noah while he was building the ark, facing criticism. 

It can look like Samson, when his own people tie him up to give him to the Philistines. 

It can look like Mary, a young Jewish girl that accepts the mission to give birth to Jesus. 

It can look like Paul escaping over a city wall in a basket... but look at the fruit from each of these that decided time with the Lord and following Him was worth it! 

Daniel came through the lion's den and the king made a new proclamation declaring God's goodness. 

Noah saved humanity and animals in the ark.

Samson killed 1,000 Philistines after allowing his own people to tie him up to surrender him to the enemy.

Paul's journey and taught many about the Lord, but also wrote letters giving us much of the New Testament.

Mary surrendered her reputation, knowing she could literally die, and she gave birth to Jesus- the Savior!

There have been many others through the years that have given their "Yes", some have become well known and others have simply lived their life under the radar, making waves in the world that were the result of their decision.

The question is still being asked of me, and of you.

Will you pay the price? 

Will you spend time with the Father, to get to know Him, and gather the seeds that you are meant to sow for the harvest?

Will you surrender your reputation? 

Will you lay down your personal plans, knowing that He only has good for you and for your life?

Will you work with Him to bring forth the fruit  of the seed(s) He planted in the womb of your spirit? OR will you quit and abort what He wants to do with you? 

The fruit that comes from time with Him is not just for me and you. It impacts everyone around us. 

Will I see that fruit? 

Well, I can't give a definite answer to those questions. 

Seeds take time to germinate, and grow. You plant them in the soil where the sun will warm it. You add water, and you wait. 

When I say, "Yes" to the Father, and I spend time with Him, to get to know Him and hear what He would share with me. I am gathering those seeds to share as I walk through each day. (Seeds are meant to be planted, not kept.) Some seeds will germinate and sprout more quickly than others, but the seeds He gives will ALL bring forth.

Remember the peony plant? You plant it and it takes 3 years to flower. Fruit trees grow, but take between 3 and 6 years to bear, depending on the fruit. Just be faithful to share what is given to you, and He will take care of the rest.

Lord, I hear you asking me... Will you pay the price? Will you make time to spend it getting to know me? Will you surrender to MY beautiful destiny for you? Help me to lay down my plans that I may walk in all of what You have called me to. Help me to take the time each day to be with You, to hear Your voice as you share Your heart with me. Help me to be a laid down lover of You; knowing it is all for Your glory! 

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